'Can't you go somewhere else?' I live close to Scout Scar, it's where I come alive. I'm existential on Scout Scar. To be denied my place is a loss of freedom, of independence. I am existential on Scout Scar. In challenging winter weather, dark winter days, residents need a spontaneous and impromptu walk, not a grand plan.
'Do you understand the need for safety? '
A pause, muffled laugh from me. I've been campaigning for a 'safe, direct and familiar' route for over 12 years. From 2012, for a footway on the approach to Brigsteer Bridge to keep walkers/ runners safe.
Since bridge closure on 12th June I've campaigned for this same 'SAFE, DIRECT and FAMILIAR' access via Brigsteer Bridge. What is happening daily at the bridge IS HIGHLY DANGEROUS. Not a hypothetical risk but real and actual
I'm a naturalist and wherever I might live becomes my study area. The bond grows deeper over time, as we tune-in to the rhythms of the seasons, learn to know our place, learn to love it in all weathers.
Can't you go somewhere else? Well no, not when you're recovering from an illness or an injury. Not if you're elderly and infirm. Not at a moment's notice. And there's a Scout Scar community so it's a place to meet friends.