Next morning, the songsters of the dawn chorus sing joyfully. On 6thr April the dawn chorus coincides with The Shipping Forecast and I'm spoilt for choice. The blackbird suddenly morphs into Arctic Tern and Tweet of the Day.
Drink in small joys around you, says Katya Adler, the BBC Europe editor.
Last night, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital- having Covid and the symptoms persist. On the Today Programme Tony Blair wished him a speedy recovery,, understanding as few of us could the enormity of the challenge the Government faces at this time.
Then radio 4 introduces The Passion for Plants- linking Easter Week and botany.. A programme I much enjoyed and plan to return to. I began to regret the impossibility of being in the countryside and seeing willow full of catkins. Then remembered a willow in the garden on this bright and sunny morning.
As I work in the garden I hear a high piping amongst the shrubs and hope birds are nesting. And a child's voice, light and merry. His father attending to the garden. The erratic looks out of place, and it is. As if a child had kicked a football into our garden. Kick at that and you'd break your foot.
On such a day there are joys to Staying at Home..