After that horrible day on Cunswick Fell when Charlie the King Charles spaniel ate my sunglasses I’ve been wary of dogs when I’m down on the ground taking flower photographs. For some reason they make a bee-line for me. Today I met a Scottish terrier with good manners and a nice nature. He came trotting up and his owner spoke to him gently and said ‘ I don’t think you can help.’ I’m amused at the notion of a Scottish terrier being my photographic assistant.
Autumn gentian are usually mauve in colour but occasionally the flower is white with a hint of pink. Rather attractive I think. As the morning was dull the mauve flowers seemed a deeper shade.
There are days like today when the experience outstrips the photographs. There were flocks of mistle thrush calling as they flew, and alighting in the tops of trees where they were hidden by the foliage. Goldfinch flocks are active at this season.