There is was again. I scanned tall ash trees, dead trees that might offer a calling post, and followed where I thought the call had come from. And there he was, high in an ash in that characteristic posture, and calling. I moved slowly a little closer and he flew off to another tall ash, and I followed. Too far off to attempt a photograph, but he's here and I'm mighty glad of it.
So here are a selection of my cuckoo images from previous years. There was a moment when I came upon a male and a female and saw them mate briefly. If only I had then had a camera powerful enough to photograph them. Sometimes, it's best simply to look and listen. Trying for the perfect photograph you might lose the opportunity to study the bird.
Perhaps this morning I also heard the female, who is much less vocal and her voice is different. I could heard skylark singing loudly through a strong wind and rain threatened, so light was poor.