She didn’t offer me her name or address. I considered taking their photograph, but did not. Anyway, I have the forensics, I have Charlie’s DNA and genetic fingerprint. Do I mean teeth marks? His saliva and all its pathogens are dribbled all over my broken sunglasses. And should you know Charlie by sight he’s spaniel-like and greyish white and black.
I was unlucky to meet Charlie, especially on a Saturday morning. Now I have no sunglasses on a bright day and my optometrist is closed for the bank holiday. He and the woman who can’t control him have cost me a lot of money and have inconvenienced me with several visits to the optometrist in prospect. My prescription is costly in time and money.
To-day, I am downright angry. A blog is immediate- a rapid response. A friend of mine uses hers to vent her indignation and that’s what I’m doing here. For a writer, there is comic potential in that meeting with Charlie- although he has cost me dear. Irresponsible dog owners are not amusing, they’re a real nuisance. I doubt she has any idea of the trouble she has caused. If Charlie’s owner goes on Cunswick Fell again she might like to bring her cheque book with her and she had better start saving up. If you know her, please ask her to get in touch. I’ll have my optometrists invoice to hand.