The peatlands of Cumbria. Today, Foulshaw Moss- a lowland raised mire of Cumbria’s coast. Like Roudsea and the Duddon Mosses.
The osprey hide looks out across the peat bog restored and maintained by careful control of the water table and scrub clearance, where a few skeletons of plantation trees have been left for the osprey. The history and natural history of Foulshaw Moss is presented through information boards, how our ancestors crossed a peat bog safely, the digging of peat for fuel and the draining of the mosses, the afforestation. And the restoration to lowland raised mire in a fifteen year Cumbria Wildlife Project.
Good to see siskin and redpoll thriving on Foulshaw Moss. In May 2016 I photographed redpoll and linnet on Scout Scar, heard them often. This spring, I neither hear nor see them.