Temperatures in the North West will reach 30 degrees. I meet the early birds who dislike the heat. Derek is returning as I head out at 6.00am. Kay and I meet as we're heading home. I know I'll find speckled wood butterflies in pools of sunlight amongst the trees and Hedge woundwort is spotlit.
I reckon the kestrel who haunts the Race Course, and beyond, has bred successfully. I've heard him calling and searched to see if the pair has fledglings but the trees are in high-summer foliage and I followed his calling but could not see him.
On 26 June, radio 4 there's an excellent item from Prince Charles on food sustainability sourcing locally, growing your own.
I recommend BBC SOUNDS. Tweet of the Day 28 June 2020. Tweet Take 5
on Swifts with Samuel West, Sir David Attenborough and Bill Oddie