A flock of starling swept clamorous across Kendal Race Course, and came down into the trees, still vocal. Some had beaks full of insects. Did the flock including this spring's juveniles?
Early in the afternoon, the cuckoo was calling and we saw him in flight. The light was constantly changing, illuminating the landscape anew, with dark yew trees casting dark shadows on the limestone clitter.
There were more flowers and butterflies to be found on Helsington Barrows, tiny Dingy Skippers that vanished as they settled onto the ground. The sun shone on limestone clitter and a sweep of lemon-yellow flowers that seem to grow densely, until you come nearer. The lemon flowers looked lovely en masse, and offset by a foil of moss amongst the limestone. Mouse-ear Hawkweed, Hieracium pilosella. A basal rosette of ellipical leaves with woolly white hairs.(Pilose, with hairs.) The flower attracts the glossy green beetle I photographed a few days ago.
23rd May. Breaking news: how will Prime Minister Boris Johnson respond to his senior adviser Dominic Cummings' breach of restrictions in travelling with his family from London to Durham whilst displaying symptoms of Covid 19? Don't be a Cummings. Make rules for everyone else- self and family exempt. It is an intolerable hypocrisy. Like the author Neil Gaiman who flew over 11,000 miles New Zealand to Skye, to 'self-isolate easily.' He apologises. Gaiman is lost in a fantasy world, he simply doesn't get it.
'Who can arraign me for it?' asks Goneril. She thinks she's above the law, too powerful, too rich, too famous.
Only the Prime Minister can arraign Cummings, apparently. England expects ---