Yellowhammer call somewhere in leafy hedgerows merging with banks of vegetation spilling down to the path, providing the cover the birds need in the breeding season. Feeding the birds shows them in close-up and in detail. There are greenfinch, chaffinch, tree-sparrow and a stunning male yellowhammer.
We hear lapwing on the merse and daisies grow thick in shell-sand that seems like machair, that fertile ground sheltered by sand-dunes. The white flowers of Burnet Rose are fragrant and a red admiral basks in the sun.
Mersehead is within easy reach of Whitecroft Farm and Rose Cottage where we are staying. It's a delightful spot and the evening light over pasture and low granite dyke is lovely. There are fine sunsets too. A great spotted woodpecker comes to the bird feeder and a dunnock feeds its fledgling on the lawn. I hear a distant cuckoo but cannot find him. The farm is sheltered by a thick beech hedge where small birds are nesting. Here and at Mersehead they're lured from cover to feed, giving us the opportunity to see the detail and colour of their breeding plumage.