Non sine sole where there's a rainbow you'll find the sun.
The rainbow has become an emblem of the Covid 19 pandemic. Yes, let's be hopeful. Hope underpinned with good sense and compliance. All of us, all the time.
Out on Scout Scar I find three rainbows. And I overhear conversations on Covid non-compliance and the anger it causes.
'Everyone who met him should be staying at home and self-isolating,' the speaker was angry that this wasn't happening. Advice on Covid 19 ignored.
Last week, I came across someone who was both anxious and angry. His friend was sick, didn't bother to get tested, asked to be given a lift to go walking. His second request was refused.
I doubt in either case those who should be taking a test and self-isolating have any idea how angry their friends and contacts were.
So lets have rainbows a plenty. And good sense and compliance too.
Next morning, 23rd November, the Government recognises the Corona virus Reproduction rate ( R) is not falling as they hoped because contacts of those tested positive are ignoring 14 day quarantine. They're also aware of those falling sick and not bothering to take a test in the first place.
Looking to the north-east, I spy a faint bow and watch its spectrum of colour intensify- and fade. I know it's a bow but all that shows is this band of colour at its foot. Why is it that sometimes you only see a fraction of a bow? And how close might a rainbow be? What determines where we see it?
On rainbows, I remember Bifrost- that rainbow bridge of Norse Myth that spans the world of men and the world of the gods. Come Ragnarok, you need not only the rainbow bridge of hope but good sense in abundance.