From the photographs, you would not know. . You cannot hear the silence, fewer aircraft, less traffic. If your local patch is like mine, if you can walk from home to reach it, you might notice something different. It’s unusual to see families on Scout Scar. I hope this continues once Corvid 19 is beaten. That parents bring their children to engage with the natural world, to look and listen.
And Saturday 28th everyone I saw was being responsible. We walk from home, to take exercise and keep ourselves fit. So the NHS is not overwhelmed in a sudden surge of Corona Virus patients.
There is goodwill and friendliness abroad. We need to assure each other that we’ll get through this in a spirit of national unity. That’s the sub-text to short chats at significantly more than two metres apart.
The Nature Cure can work marvellously, body and soul. The chilly air is invigorating and those cloud-patterns beautiful. Out every day, you observe each new sign of spring. Redpoll arrived this week. Larch buds appeared amongst last summer's cones. A friend challenged me to find all the erratics on Scout Scar and I set about it. Find a lichen-covered boulder that looks comfortable and sit a while with a flask of hot chocolate. On a day like today the light is changing every second .