Approaching the ridge, I heard a shepherd shouting to his dogs; ' lie down, lie down,' now between a groan and a roar, 'lie down.' Black Hebridean sheep huddled close. Sheepdogs darted here and there but did not 'lie down.' Across a network of pastures wooden gates had been set out as if for a training course for 'One Man and his Dog. '
It's a challenge to capture the essence of such a brilliant day. An inspirational light and cold, clear air that spells the coming of winter. Images hint at clouds imbued with light and the dazzle and gleam of Morecambe Bay but they cannot catch the magic. Sunlight and shadow play about those bare ash limbs and the trees incline toward each other as if in invitation to the dance. It's a trick of the season, now you see it, now you don't.