The flower-rich embankments are a butterfly sensation on a fine summer's day, as butterflies flit about the flowers, seeking nectar, claiming territory. Sometimes, their flight is so unpredictable-restless that a fleeting glimpse is all you see.
Restharrow, Ononis repens, was flowering on a steep bank near the lime-kilns. There was wood cranesbill, Geraniium sylvaticum, and bloody cranesbill of magenta flowers.
We glimpsed a small skipper, its wings a flash of gold. Up onto Smardale Fell where the fossils of the limestone wall always attract me. As we descended toward Scandal Beck and the packhorse bridge another small skipper showed, nectaring on vetch. Two hasty images was all I had to ensure I had identified it correctly.
Beyond the bridge, we stopped to watch a colony of shiny green beetles clambering over stems of grass.