I love the aesthetic of a mystery tree, its trunk a dark moss-green, rising to a tracery of branches in a feathery crown of soft pink. The canopy is a palette of delicate hues as trees transition into spring with flower and leaf buds yet to open. The season of tree flowers is a favourite of mine. Across the image sequence there are depths of blue in the sky, then sunlit cumulus clouds, a perfect foil for trees.
The oddest find of the day was a clot of frogspawn in the middle of the road past Kentmere Church. We had squeezed into the fence so a tractor carrying hale bales could pass. Had the frogspawn dropped off the tractor? Maybe female frogs don’t always make it to safe water. Taken short, with frogspawn. Sounds about as likely as falling off a hay bale. There it was in the middle of the road, our only frogspawn of the day.