To the east, farmed deer close to a ruined chapel and tombstones thick with lichens. We trace family names we will meet again at an exhibition of local history in Jura Church at Craighouse.
The sole road on the Isle of Jura peters out as it heads to The North End, our next destination. We cross the Lussa River, past Ardlussa House and shooting estate. A massive bull lies in the sun, his bulk spilling into the narrow way. Across the burn, his cows and calves. Butterflies galore, micro- moths, ringlets alight on a thistle to mate. Golden-ringed dragonfly with striking compound eyes. We are alert for golden eagle and the short-eared owl but July is a quiet time for birds so not today. We might have headed for Corryvreckan but the weather is fair, the seas are calm and there’s so much to explore. I wouldn’t have missed Tarbert of the Crossings, it’s delightful.