Think Icarus drowning, in Auden’s poem Musee des Beaux Arts. The boy falls from the sky and plunges into the sea whilst the ploughman goes about his work unseeing. The rest of the world gives it a glance and moves on. At least the ploughman has a purpose. The news that people are writing cards and wrapping Christmas presents palls into utter insignificance. Why tell anyone that? Who cares?
Supporting victims of the floods, attending the conference on Climate Change- that’s what the Church is doing. Focusing on the essential. So too the work of the emergency services and the Environment Agency. Radio Cumbria gives us a strong sense of a communities pulling together in tough times.
When I was writing About Scout Scar I began with a study of the Lyth Valley and its hydrology, its drainage. Yesterday I stood up on Scout Scar taking photographs that look abstract and unfamiliar in the flood water, although flooding comes often to the Lyth Valley.