Town is in grid-lock with everyone rushing to buy-in all the supplies we think we might need at Christmas, and more. Life is an unimaginable challenge for wildlife, like these waxwing flocking in from Fenno-Scandinavia, in search of berries. They've been in the neighbourhood for the last month and berries dwindle. Once their food-source is exhausted they'll be gone.
On Tweet of the Day, the naturalist John Aitchison describes the waxing calls as 'the tinkling of sleigh-bells.' It's apt because waxwing visit the UK, on irruption years, in winter. Today, I saw but did not hear jingling sleigh-bells because waxwing were sheltering from heavy rain and were silent. I shall remember John AItchison's comparison because seeing waxwing is a treat, hearing them is even more of a rare event.
My camera was so wet it refused to down-load images before it had dried out.
Rowan berries are a favourite food but waxwing are fruit-eating birds and will take hawthorn and they will eat apples. Perhaps spiking a rowan branch with apples would tempt the birds to return.